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Who we are

For over 100 years, the German Kennel Club has shaped life with dogs in Germany. As a large community of interests, as an institution rich in tradition and as a seal of quality, the VDH has established itself and is in demand for all topics concerning dogs. Be it with media representatives, courts, ministries, authorities or people interested in dogs - the VDH is the leading representation of interests of all dog owners in Germany - the first address around life with dogs, dog sports and dog breeding. As the umbrella organization for 180 member clubs, the VDH today represents more than 600,000 members.


The VDH is a federally structured umbrella organization that includes purebred dog breeding clubs, dog sports associations, state associations, and some associate member clubs. Individuals cannot be members of the VDH, but are affiliated through a breed club or sports association.

The 180 member clubs of the VDH are composed as follows:

  • 15 VDH regional associations - regional representation of VDH interests.
  • 163 pedigree dog breeding clubs - look after one or more breeds
  • Deutscher Hundesportverband (dhv) and Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine (DVG) - deal exclusively with dog training and sport.

As an extraordinary member of the VDH is represented:

  • The Jagdgebrauchshundverband (JGHV), which is responsible for testing hunting dogs.

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